Monday, August 13, 2012

Goals for a Freshman

Orange hallway  
Freshmen year is a year where we all must grow up and start to learn how to become more independent. My first goal for this year would be to make different friends. All these years (since K-5), I have pretty much had the same group of friends. It's not a bad thing though. Every once in while a new friend is nice, especially since we are all in such a small grade/school. Now that I am in high school, there are more opportunities to hang out with different people. A second goal for my freshman year would be to try and become more comfortable with public speaking. I have never really been all that comfortable public speaking. It is a very necessary skill to have not just throughout school but for life. I would be comfortable doing so much more stuff if i didn't struggle with it. A third goal would be to actually learn Chinese. This year instead of taking a Spanish or Latin or French, I decided to take Chinese. It will be difficult, but by the end of the year maybe I can actually have a conversation with what I have learned. My fourth goal would be to come closer to the Lord. I think that this year will be the biggest change ever (in a good way). I don't want to just sit there and listen, but actually absorb the information that is being said. I want to actually take it to heart and think about it. If all three of these things can happen in the same year, it would have the makings to be one of the bests yet.

Photo by Lauren Manning 

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