Monday, December 3, 2012
"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Throughout Animal Farm, Napoleon demonstrates a connection
between real-life situations today. Napoleon is just like any other human in a
bad situation that he wants to change. “With great power comes great
responsibility.” The pigs had everything under control, and if the power hadn't gone to their head things could have gone a lot better for everyone. People
today are like this too. Say a boss gets fired and a co-worker is promoted. If
he isn't careful (depending on the kind of person he is), it could ruin the
business. In general, Napoleon represents anyone who has power go to their
head. People today are greedy and want everything for themselves especially the people with the most power.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Being Thankful
Thanksgiving is a time of year to be thankful for family, friends, and really anything in your life. The thing I am most thankful for is my friends and family. Without all of them I don't know where I would be. I am especially thankful for all the people older than me in my life because they have been great influences in my life. They have shaped the kind of person I am. I am also thankful for my family. They are some of the coolest people I know. Even though they get on my nerves a large percentage of the time, I love them to death. I would do anything for them. Another thing I'm thankful for are my coaches. My coaches are one of the main influences in my life. I guess I could sum it up by saying that the thing I am most thankful for is people. Without people life would be boring. By people I mean different types of people, like my friends and family.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
"Julius Caesar" Casting List
Since our class read Julius Caesar we have to pick out actors that we think could depict them well in a movie adaptation.
To act as Brutus I chose Bruno Gunn. He is going to be playing Brutus in Catching Fire and has acted in a couple of other movies. Most people who are bald are pretty noble. I imagined Brutus as a middle aged man.
To act as Mark Antony I picked Xavier Samuel. He played Riley in Eclipse (part of the twilight series). I picture Antony as someone who is very loyal and trustworthy, but also has that anger in him showed by Antony. I also imagine Antony as a young boy in his twenty's.
To act as Caesar I picked Joaquin Phoenix. He played Johnny Cash in a movie awhile back. I picked him because he has a face that says, "I think I'm better than everyone else." I also think about Caesar being young because usually people that are ambitious are more on the younger side.
To act as Cassius I picked Wes Bentley. He acted as Seneca Crane in the Hunger Games. I think this is a good depiction of Cassius because of how he has a "lean and hungry" look to him according to Caesar.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Julius Caesar Project
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Do You Think Your Fears Are Rational?
Most people have that one thing that they are deathly afraid of. Some people are afraid of completely different things. One thing that is scary to one person may not be scary to a another person. For me, my biggest fear is losing my family. You see all those stories in the news about things that happen to little kids and car accidents taking lives. I think everyone has their common, rational fears and then the things that just scary them silly. Silly things I'm afraid of would be scary movies, spiders, the dark, and suspicious people. My mom tells me that it's not smart to be afraid of so many little things, but I guess I just can't help it. Some people love working with spiders and know everything about them, but when I see one I just want to kill it. There is usually nothing in the dark that would harm me. There is something in my head that when I go into the dark I get scared.
By cheetah100
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Building It Up
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Ephesians 4:29
I can remember times that my parents, friends, family, teachers, and coaches have built me up. I feel like I am being built up all the time, even if it is with criticism. My favorite example of this was during a basketball game last year. Lets just say we hadn't won a game in a while. We were tied and had to go into overtime. We ended up winning the game. I had been so discouraged before, but I still had knew that we could win. Everyone was congratulating me and I felt like I was on top of the world. I know that I make bring people down sometimes and I don't mean too. That is something that I want to work on throughout this year. I want to be nice to everyone and not because I have too because I want too.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Summer Reading Presentation Recap
Now that we have finished up our summer reading unit, I can kind of wrap up what we had to do. Our group was assigned to do the conflict in The Outsiders using Google Presentation. Google Presentation is just like making a Microsoft powerpoint. The reason I think it is better is that Google Presentation allows multiple editors on different computers to all be working on it at the same time. After finishing up the summer reading unit, I feel like I learned how to annotate. Before this annotating was sort of confusing and hard to do. Now that I am done with it, it is much easier. Another thing I learned was how to pick out symbols. Symbols can be a character, object, or place that has another meaning behind its physical/literal meaning.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Goals for a Freshman
Freshmen year is a year where we all must grow up and start to learn how to become more independent. My first goal for this year would be to make different friends. All these years (since K-5), I have pretty much had the same group of friends. It's not a bad thing though. Every once in while a new friend is nice, especially since we are all in such a small grade/school. Now that I am in high school, there are more
opportunities to hang out with different people. A second goal for my freshman
year would be to try and become more comfortable with public speaking. I have
never really been all that comfortable public speaking. It is a very necessary
skill to have not just throughout school but for life. I would be comfortable
doing so much more stuff if i didn't struggle with it. A third goal would be to
actually learn Chinese. This year instead of taking a Spanish or Latin or
French, I decided to take Chinese. It will be difficult, but by the end of the
year maybe I can actually have a conversation with what I have learned. My
fourth goal would be to come closer to the Lord. I think that this year will be
the biggest change ever (in a good way). I don't want to just sit there and
listen, but actually absorb the information that is being said. I want to
actually take it to heart and think about it. If all three of these things can
happen in the same year, it would have the makings to be one of the bests yet.
Photo by Lauren Manning
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